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Raise it, Make it, Bake it, Reshape it...We can do it ALL!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Upcycling - New Uses for Old Things

As you all know, I am a major fan of upcycling and repurposing  in order to same money, and of course the planet. This week I wanted to share some of my favorites that I have found recently. I hope you find one or two that you can use, or maybe three or four, giggles! I will soon also be posting some of my own projects from around my house that I have repurposed or upcycled, so stay tuned for more awesome ideas!! Also, just wanted to say sorry for the laziness of my posts lately, I have been dealing with a lot of health problems, and just had surgery yesterday. So since I haven't exactly been in my most creative state lately, I figured it would be a great time to share some of my favorites lists from around the web. Thanks for hangin' in there with me!

Plastic Baggie as Icing Dispenser
Hairspray as Stain Remover


Flat Iron as Ribbon Smoother
Paperclip holder as bobby pin corral


Nail Polish as key Coder
Pumpkin as a Centerpiece

Picture Frame as Key Holder
Changing table as potting bench

                        Skateboard as a shelf                    Cheese Grater as Pencil Holder

                       Tin Can Cubby

                                                                                                                                                                                      Shower Caddy Craft Organizer

 Till Next Time...

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