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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Togetherness

What is one of the things in our day to day lives that we take for granted the most? Our families, and the fact that they may be there today, and then tomorrow they may be gone. All too often we blow through our day, only to get to the end of it and then get up and start all over again...when we should be stopping along the way and enjoying all of those special little moments that we cannot get back once they have passed.We should be s-l-o-w-i-n-g down and taking in all of those little quirks that we grow to hate love in each other, and we should be enjoying every waking moment we have with these loved ones, because this crazy life we live does not last forever. When I die I want to have no regrets. Most of all, I do not want to be wishing, or leaving loved ones wishing...that we had said more, done more, felt more. I want to know that I have left them feeling more loved than humanly possible, so that there is no doubt in their minds how I feel about them. 

   This is the time of year that we should all band together and spend that extra time away from work, or school, together just enjoying each other. We all have our differences, and differences of opinion. All of our lives take different paths, and God leads us each down different roads, but the one constant should always be family. The one thing you should always be able to count on is your family, and vice verse, your family able to count on you.This time of year, we put all of our differences aside, and disagreements get checked at the door, and we just enjoy those special moments, remembering why we love each other to begin with.

I am going to leave you all with some ideas for special family togetherness activities that everyone can enjoy, and I hope you all actually try some of them out, or at least just take a few minutes out of your busy schedules to enjoy each other, Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!!!

Nothing brings people together like joining a good cause, or supporting a charity. Click here for some ideas... 

Family Tradition...start a tradition, something that you all can do together every year. One example is breaking the wishbone, and the person who ends up with the longer piece, gets their wish!

Make Family Survey Place Mats...a great way to get to know each other better! Learn more here...

A Thankful Tablecloth...just might be the best idea I have seen for a family Thanksgiving craft yet!  Here is where I found this gem of an idea...
I hope everyone has a very Blessed Thanksgiving!!!

Till next time...

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