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Raise it, Make it, Bake it, Reshape it...We can do it ALL!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Christmas??? Yikes!

WOW! I have been walking around stores, seeing nothing but Christmas decorations and hearing Jingle Bells, and Deck the Halls...Am I the only one who gets nauseated at the thought of Christmas coming so fast? It seems like just yesterday we were saying "Happy New Year!" Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas like everyone else, I just NEVER have enough time to get it all done, never. I do, however, love the thought of decorating for Christmas, that is always the fun part, and I truly believe you can never have quite enough decorations...sooo, I am going to start showing some of my favorite finds across the web. I can't wait to show y'all my Christmas Gift Project for this year...so beautiful, easy, and most important of all...cheap! Here are some of my favorite project ideas, I hope you also find something that inspires your creative side, like I did.

Love this! 

Can't wait to start collecting Pinecones!

You could totally do this from Dollar Store supplies, LOVE IT!

Never would have thought of a topiary made of Christmas Ornaments, and the Ornament Chandelier is Beautiful!

How cut are these? My kids could totally make these, cant wait to try...

Okay ladies, now that we have some inspiration, lets get crafting! I would love to see some of your projects, feel free to email pics to me. I am hoping to have my ducks in a row by Thursday to show y'all my awesome Christmas Gifts that we have been making this year!

Till next time...

1 comment:

Steering Shaft said...

I very much appreciated this posting, it could have been my story.
I also started using and adapting Montessori materials in my homw preschool b
ack in the ’70's…(wow I am old!) before I had completed my training.I totally agree
in hoping that the world of Montessori will be opened to many young families!