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Raise it, Make it, Bake it, Reshape it...We can do it ALL!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Champion Family Weekly Menu (a little late)

Hey y'all, I was thinking of ways to share our everyday family life with you, and ways to share more ideas, and one of the things I came up with is to share our weekly menu planning process. Now on Sundays (except this week, because I was slacking a little, we had a trip to Six Flags with some awesome friends) I am going to post our family menu for the following week. Hopefully this will help y'all to come up with some different ideas, and also help me actually follow and STICK TO our weekly meal planner. So here goes... 

Breakfast - Choice of cereal, fruit and oatmeal, or a bagel with cream cheese

Lunch - Right now the kiddos are at school, so I really just find whatever sounds good at the time, lol

Dinner - 

Monday: Chicken Cacciatore (a real fancy way of saying chicken spaghetti)

Tuesday: Yummy Bacon cheeseburgers/ Homemade french fries

Wednesday: Barbeque pork tenderloin / Broccoli and cheese rice

Thursday: Leftovers (yeah, I know...really creative, hehe)

Friday: Ramen Noodles w/Hamburger / Green beans

Saturday: Eat Out Night!! Yay, NO COOKIN!

Sunday: Homemade Baked Chicken Nuggets / Mac-N-Cheese / Corn

Hope y'all got some good ideas, and if you would like any of the recipes from the menu, just ask in the comments section, and I will gladly give 'em up!

Till next time...

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